Saturday, 21 August 2010

Venus Envy

The Venus Envy website has now been live since Monday and has attracted a bit of attention, which is so awesome! It's so good to know that others appreciate what the project is all about.

The link to the project is here where you can see images and video of the project as well as the conversation map research that resulted in the creation of the statues.

Also, the project has been featured on Creative Boom Edinburgh here -–-venus-envy/

Stay tuned for much more activity in the near future as there's a few things in the works, just need to finish my dissertation first! :)


The project has now also been featured by The Guardian as well as by Betsy Greer on

1 comment:

  1. I think you are a good person and this project is one of the best I've ever seen. You followed me on twitter tonight... (I'm @curegreed) I was wondering if you fancied helping me slightly with a little project I'm doing? If you do, drop me a line at rosagmartyn {at} gmail {dot} com
    even if you don't fancy helping, it'd be nice to be in touch.
